John King Cave emerged in 2018, founded by the enigmatic Sam RB, previously known for projects like Manuka Piglet and Wildflowers of the Mojave. Alongside a rotating band of coyote-like musicians, the group quickly carved out a space in the desert of sound in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In 2020, JKC released two EP’s Emotion / Tread Light and 720 Split, followed by two full-length albums: Devil Rides Beside, a haunting ghost-folk concept album, and Oh My Love, a sweeping country romance.

In the years that followed, RB took time to live, reflect, and craft new music, forming a fresh incarnation of the John King Cave band, known as The Dukeland Club. This lineup features Samuel Albert on keyboards, Sam Hart on drums, Randy Martin on banjo, and Nadiné Nizhoni on supporting vocals.

In December 2024, JKC released Sweeping Beauties, a new full-length album that ventures into a more pop and soul-driven sound while retaining the indie folk roots.

JKC’s upcoming Soul Country is an ambitious double-length LP which will be released in early 2025. Written between 2020 and 2024 during turbulent times, Soul Country explores themes of resilience, hope, and perseverance. JKC hopes these songs will shine a light through the darker moments and inspire optimism, even in the face of uncertainty.